Italy--from Milan to Rome. OK, this is sort of cheating. She doesn't remember a thing. I do. Morning sickness! First Trimester.

And this one is cheating too. But it's my blog. Hawaii, the Big Island. Second Trimester.

But life on the outside took her to Gulf Breeze, Florida. Three months old.
Salt Lake City--many, many times. She was four months old the first time.
Hawaii the second time. O'ahu. Five months old.
Washington DC. Six months old.
New Mexico--both Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Thirteen months.
Arkansas--many many times. Thirteen months again.
Orlando, Florida. Disney World. Fourteen months.
Canada--Vancouver, Sydney, and Victoria. Sixteen months.
Argentina, South America. Beginning at twenty months.
And Uruguay, South America. Twenty four months.
May you have many more travels ahead, Sweet Pea.
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