But. We are really homesick these days. We miss our family and friends, and many of our home comforts. Our king sized memory foam matress--which is just so great when you are co-sleeping with a toddler. Our super ginormous kitchen, which prior to this, I thought was pretty small. Our wonderful dog, Junuh, who we fear will have forgotten us or resent us for leaving him. All our clothes! But I digress...
When I think of time, I think in picture or shape form. For example, when I think of one year, I see a big circle of 365 days. Our six month stint in Argentina looks to me like a big hill. The first three months were the uphill. The last three are the downhill. And now that we have two months left, things are starting to pick up pace. We hit the two-months-to-go mark on Friday. That got me thinking about all the things I would like to see or do before we leave. Who wants to leave with regrets?! So here are a few things I would like to check off:
Travel to Mendoza, Argentina. We're taking an overnight bus next Sunday to spend four days in wine country. It's on the boarder of Chile, and should be some beautiful country.
Build a little big of a tango music collection. I need to start asking about songs and artists in our classes.
Continue to work on my Castellano. I have a tudor that I meet with now three times a week. She's fun and an excellent teacher. But I'm still in the 'trying to comprehend what I hear' stage. And still do not speak it well.
Travel to Iguazu. We're not completely sure if we'll make this trip. But we're going to try.
Buy another pair of gorgeous dance shoes.
Take more pictures of the city. You tend to take less pictures of your home town than when you're on vacation. And now that it feels like we live here, verses visiting, I've been taking less photos.
Dance at more milangas. I think it's time to take less classes and dance at more dances.
There are a few tourist sites that we haven't seen yet. This is one:
There are a couple of things that don't really have anything to do with being here that I would like to finish up before I get home. One is catching up on a journal I started for Ella when she was born. I'm a bit behind on it and am trying to get caught up. I'd also like to finish up a big chunk of my La Leche League Leadership training.
That's all I can think of right now. We miss you all. And I leave you with Ella and her new hat, aka Tyler's netbook case.
Nice hat!