As a pedestrian, you only have the right of way when crossing the street IN THEORY. Not in practice.
You will frequently be denied purchasing something depending on the bills you hand the cashier. No body likes to give change. But because of that, it's nearly impossible to have correct change.
The signs saying "Visa" or "Mastercard" on the door of a shop or restaurant don't mean anything.
The stoplights go from green to yellow to red to yellow to green again.
Summer break is over and the kids are back in school. Many of their school uniforms look like science lab coats--even on the little, little kids.
There are over 100 bus lines here. Even the locals have to purchase a little book each year to figure out what number bus goes where.
If you say zoológico with a 'z', no one will have a clue what in the world you are trying to say. However, replace the 'z' with an 's' and it's perfectly clear.
And here's a pic of Pea at her favorite park. Toodles!
The lights would take some getting used to if one were driving.