Honestly, I think we could have just plopped them down at a cafe every day and done nothing else but occasionally bring Ella down to play, and they would have been thrilled. Here they are at their favorite cafe, Fabianos, with their favorite waitress.
But we wanted to show them around our city. And that we did!
Cool sights...
Great food & drink...

We even got them to take a tango lesson!
Plus, they brought in reinforcements! Coffee, books, clothes, Lara bars, toys, a Real Simple magazine, vitamins...you name it. My mom was a hero for questing for the long list of things we needed/wanted!
Ella loved having Nana and Papa here. She still asks about them every day since they left.
We have loads more pictures to share. If you are a friend of mine on Facebook, you'll see them there. If not, shoot us an email and we'll think of another way to show you. Ciao!